Manage your site's environment with ease
Tellumat Integrated Solutions' innovative Environmental Control products allow our clients to reduce the energy consumption in their sites, while maintaining an optimal temperature within the site.
The new TK1 range prioritises positive pressure free air cooling, with aircon usage only in extreme conditions, thereby optimising energy consumption.
With remote monitoring and control capability over TCP/IP and SNMP, you can have the peace of mind that your site's temperature is being regulated to your specification.
Scroll down to find out more about our innovative Environmental Control solutions.
Innovative Solutions, Saving you money!

Tellumat Integrated Solutions' Environmental Controller (TK1 Controller), is an innovative and sophisticated temperature controller, specifically designed for cooling Base Station sites with high-load density. The controller monitors conditions inside and outside of the shelter and controls the cooling mechanisms available on the site (air-conditioners and free-cooling) so as to optimize energy consumption, while keeping the internal environment within strict parameters.
The remote monitoring and configuration of the controller allows the site owner to monitor the current status of the site, receive alarms as well as set thresholds, priorities and a variety of alarms to be triggered by configured parameters - all from the comfort of their office!
The TK1 controller has been deployed in the field in thousands of sites and has been reducing our customer's operational costs for years! Why waste money on constantly running the power hungry air-conditioning, when you can optimise your site's electricity bill with the TK1 Controller?!
contact us today for more information and a live demonstration!

Tellumat Integrated Solutions' Positive Pressure cooling system, is a free-cooling system specifically designed for cooling Base Station sites with high-load density. The system's controller (see above) monitors conditions inside and outside of the shelter and controls the cooling mechanisms (air-conditioners and free-cooling) so as to optimize energy consumption, while keeping the internal environment within strict parameters. The system is suitable for new site builds, but has been specifically developed for retro-fit onto existing sites with 1 or more BTS units.
In comparison with other free-cooling systems it has been optimised to:
Deliver large flow volumes
Offer high-level security once installed
Extend filter service life
Maximise the use of free cooling
Control the air-flow path through the shelter
Modularity - 3.5 kW heat extraction modules, added as per the site's needs
The system is similar to traditional free-cooling systems, but offers some unique advantages. Firstly, the unit can supply large flow volumes at 48VDC. Secondly, the system includes a specially developed BTS cowling that helps expel exhaust air directly from the top of the BTS without contaminating the shelter. This allows the system to maintain supply temperatures extremely close to the environmental temperature and significantly increases the useable free-cooling period.
Download our brochure and contact us to find out more!
Want to reduce your site's monthly electricity bill? Call us today to find out how we can help you!